The Communist New World Order.

Update 4-5-2023.

    The New World Order to Control You.

As the world emerges from lockdown due to the pandemic, many peculiarities exist that have led a growing number of people to question whether the pandemic is real or orchestrated in some way, and if the latter is true, toward what end?

Many are not aware that just before the pandemic even started, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a novel corona virus pandemic preparedness exercise, titled event 201.


The Next Shoe to Drop

Think this plandemic is over and everything is now going back to normal?
Think Again !

Who has been called to account for up to now over a billion deaths and severe disabilities.
Absolutely no-one. Not one of these criminals have been executed, jailed or in any way called to account, or ever will.
All these people involved are mass murderers and none will ever be held to account, they will just keep the agenda of depopulation and total enslavement rolling along.
Their plans for your demise are only getting started, covid was a dry run for what is ahead.

They love to tell you what is ahead and bill grates himself has appeared multiple times on the airwaves in interviews with his smug smirk telling you that the next pandemic will defiantly get everyone's attention.

The talk is now of a humanized bird flu and to follow up a airborne Marburg virus (think Ebola).
Add to that the pandemic treaty that the WHO is planning to roll out to take control of the whole World during the next health crisis, suspending all countries rights and constitutions, as well as the UN's bills to take control of the world during a crisis (think climate change).

Add to this an engineered famine and food shortages, digital ID'S tied to food rations, 15 minute prison cities, carbon credit system, central bank digital currencies, (they can shut down any time and control what you spend youyr money on) fuel cutoffs and rationing, etc, etc.

These globalist billionaire psychos have been planning this since before most of us were born, they have bought out just about every government on earth that is now sold out to the agenda.
They have now set themselves up brilliantly by moving their headquarters to Switzerland where the WEF, WHO, UN, GAVI and most of the other key players enjoy by default (and billions of dollars) diplomatic immunity and protection under Swiss law from any enquiry, investigation, legal action or prosecution from any entity world Wide !!
COMPLETE IMMUNITY to do as they please !!

Nothing is off the table regarding the depopulation agenda, not even full on nuclear war and with it a years long nuclear winter to starve all us useless eaters and plebs to death.

Why all these secret bio labs world wide working to enhance deadly pathogens, not for our health or benefit I will bet you !
Now they have taken it all 10 steps further developing MRNA injections they must jab all our livestock with (that has to be good for you) plus they have now perfected a process to inoculate all our food plants with MRNA as well.
You better get this really clear in your head that nothing these genocidal psychos are doing is for our benefit and soon no food will be safe to eat for any human.
They even want to kill off all our pets to save the world from climate change.
These maniacs are leaving no stone unturned and are working tirelessly to eliminate 95% of the Worlds population, and enslave the survivors.

They are also expanding the building of internment camps for the elimination of dissenters, this agenda has expanded since covid ended.
You are being lulled into a false sense of security as the financial system collapses, supply chains further deteriorate, nuclear armagedden is being set up for us all and almost all the Worlds Governments are in on the act.

There are even plans afoot to make all homes climate compliant (which almost no one could afford or comply with) and ultimately evict homeowners who do not comply, and seize their land, but do not worry they have a prison pod just waiting for you, in one of their lovely internment camps.

Never forget what our Australian Government did to us during covid, that was child's play compared to what is coming, they are corrupted fat cats out to hunt you down.

Remember their saying, "You will own nothing and you will be far form HAPPY."

Global Totalitarian Plan Being Rolled Out

At this point, signs that an all-encompassing global totalitarian plan is being quietly put together, piece by piece, are all around us. The Rockefeller Foundation's white paper calls for the use of a digital "patient identification number" to track all Americans after testing them for COVID-19.13

Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, set up with funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has partnered with the ID2020 Alliance to launch a digital identity program called ID2020 in Bangladesh.14 Your health information, in the form of COVID-19 test results, are set to be sent to an electronic database so that contact tracers can enforce isolation and quarantines, even if you’re healthy.

There are even plans for a global currency. Google, Gates and The Rockefeller Foundation announced the formation of Mojaloop, which is open-source software designed to be used for financial transactions. The technology is modeled after M-Pesa from Nigeria, which has been successful since 2007. Mojaloop is intended to be managed by governments or financial authorities.15

The Rockefeller Foundation and Gates are not presenting short-term, temporary measures. They’re both aiming to implement a totalitarian control system. It’s not so far-fetched to imagine a future in which your vaccine certificate or “unique patient ID number” replaces personal identifications such as your driver’s license, state ID card, Social Security card and passport, and is tied not only to your medical records in total, but also your finances.

A Final Word From Me.

By Paul Hurtado.

This plandemic should raise serious doubts and questions, hoist red flags and ring alarm bells, about the narrative of fear and terror we are being spoon fed by the media and politicians daily.

1. This scamdemic is neither the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, Captain Tripps or the Doomsday Virus. Defiantly not an end of the World emergency.

2. Experimental vaccines (bio weapons) for this virus are being rushed into production without adequate testing, manufactures are being protected from all liability, and they may well genetically modify all persons who receive it, with unknown consequences for humanity.

3. What this plandenic covers up, facilitates, and distracts from is the planned and systemic collapse of the whole Worlds financial system and currencies, (which was underway already) and also advances as well the total collapse of free society and the decent into anarchy.

4. Many hidden agendas are now coming into the light which are a very serious threat to the free World, as this collapse progresses.

Such As- The control grab of powerful individuals, Corporations and World governing bodies, for total political power over all sovereign World nations. Such As- The imposition of a one World currency controlled by an unelected and face less governing body, that seeks total control over what assets you accumulate, how much you earn, what you can spend your digital money on, where you can spend it etc, and therefore total control over you.
Such As- Mandatory vaccinations before you "can return to normal ?" and digital identification.
Such As- Travel restrictions and the abolition of air travel, or overseas or local travel, without permission, for the masses.
Such As- One World Government and the establishment of a World Communist Totalitarian System and control of populations.
Such As- The implementation of 5G technology and it's use as a total control and surveillance tool, buy a World governing body, to control individuals and populations.
Such As- A social credit system being rolled out World Wide policed by 5G and Artificial Inelegance, and the serious penalties for any person infringing it at home or in public.
Such As- 5G surveillance in the home by your not so smart to own, smart devices.
Such As- The planned rollout of more deadly viruses once the immune systems of the injected have been destroyed that amplifies their effect and fatality rate.
Such As- The rise of a one World government amid the total destruction of society as we know it.
Such As- Widespread civil unrest, rioting, food shortages, destruction, and potential World War that are likely to erupt.
Such As- All the many other calamities that will result from the great reset and total collapse of society, that these psycho's have planned for decades, to destroy social order completely, & make their grab for total control.

5. The rise of and threat being raised by the Chinese Communist Party, their control of the South China Seas, their threat to other countries in the region, human rights abuses and their control of the Worlds manufacturing.
Not to mention the cover up by the CCP and the WHO into the more than likely scenario that the virus was intentionally concocted in a CCP lab.

6. The dangerous rise of censorship of the internet and individuals who oppose the mainstream narrative, the Orwellian political correctness that is anything other than correct.
Shutting down debate on critical issues and the muzzling of free speech, victimizing and stigmatizing individuals who do not agree with radical doctrines being preached by minorities.

SERIOUSLY do you really think you can trust the biased mainstream narrative about this plandemic, of the quarantines, and the totally disastrous consequences this has for us all ???

The World is entering a very dark and dangerous phase again in it's history, and possibly much worse than we as a World civilisation have ever faced before, and there may be no way to stop it.
Throughout recorded history many individuals and totalitarian systems have sought to rule the World.
They usually seek to completely destroy the old order, before bringing in their new !
Political uprisings, the collapse of civilisation's, and regime changes, have bought about mass death and suffering to mankind, untold times throughout history, and no doubt will again and again as modern history progresses.
Are we again at the end of a great period of progress and enlightenment but to descend into a new dark age?
Only time will tell, and events shaping up do not look good, but it is up to all of us, as to whether we allow a new dark age to rise and descend unchallenged !!!

What we learn from history, is that we do not learn from history, and we are doomed repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

.......By Paul Hurtado......

Bundaberg Queensland Australia

Copyright Paul Hurtado.